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                                    History and current condition

           The university was founded in 1936 as Nakhon Pathom Teacher Training School for girls and changed to a Nakhon Pathom teacher training school in 1968 and in 1970 became a Nakhon Pathom Teacher's College. All students had to study agriculture group under Nakhon Pathom Teacher's College until in 1975 was changed to the Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Science and Technology. The Diploma and Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) were opened in 1986 and changed its name to Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat Institute in 1995. In 1997, the Department of Agriculture was changed to Department of Agricultural Technology. In 1998, the department opened plant science, animal husbandry and agricultural Technology program and these programs had merged and changed the name as agriculture program in 2001. In 2006, the BS (Agriculture) program was changed to the BS (Plant Production Technology) program. In 2008, the M.Sc. (Sustainable) and the BS (Plant Production Technology) program were opened. Plant production technology program was improved on the first round in 2012 and the second round in 2017 according to the standard framework qualification of Office of the Higher Education Commission with the quality of education is good.