Set as "Nakhon Pathom Teacher Training School" in the year 2479 using the tower of the Nakhon Chaisri District Registration Office located at 86 Tesat Road, Phra Pathom Chedi, Muang District, Nakhon Pathom. Only female students Teachers and teachers in the first class and later in the year 1960 began to open the teacher. The students are trained with the teacher. Started teaching the Certificate of Education (BE) started the project of training teachers in rural areas until the year 2511, so changed the name of Nakhon Pathom Teacher Training School. It is a teacher training school Nakhon Pathom. The school was renamed Nakorn Pathom Teachers College on January 16, 1970, and the Faculty of Science, Mathematics, Home Economics was opened. Sports and Physical Education.

In 1975, the College of Teachers changed its role. And the structure into higher education as mentioned in Section 5 is "to Teach College is research and research institute to produce teachers to the degree. Promote the teacher's academic credentials. And educational personnel Arts & Culture Nakhon Pathom Teachers College, which has been a teacher's college for only 5 years, has expanded its structure and expanded its role widely since the Act was enacted. There are 3 faculties of the Faculty of Education. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences And the Faculty of Science and Technology. Faculty of Science and Technology Nakhon Pathom Teacher's College The Department of Agriculture, Chemistry, Home Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Biology, Physical Education, Physics and General Science, Health Education, Handicrafts, Industrial Arts.

In 1984, there was an amendment to the Teachers College Act BE 2518, which changed some of the provisions of the Teachers College. And the mission to meet the needs of the wider society. The essence of change In one of the five sections, the College of Teacher Education offers a variety of academic programs, in addition to the production of teachers. In 1985, Nakhon Pathom Teachers College opened another academic diploma (Lect. Prof.) is the first year with 5 major majors, namely, liberal arts, 2 majoring in journalism and public relations and design, and 3 major disciplines in the field of food science and electrochemistry. The eletronic And get more academic students. The program is open to the undergraduate level for the first year, and the undergraduate program for undergraduate (undergraduate) students is offered. And a first year diploma The Demonstration School will be operated by the first two students in the English-Mathematics Plan, using a well-built building. Meanwhile It works with kindergarten school. It has been taught since 1979 with a temporary school building. From kindergarten to Kindergarten 2 in 1986, His Majesty the King graciously graciously. It's the teacher's name. "Rajabhat Institute" on February 14, 1992 and the sequence of changes to the teaching and learning as follows.