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Bachelor of Engineering Program

Civil Engineering

(Curriculum improvement, 2561)

Course Name : Bachelor  of  Engineering  Program  in Civil Engineering

Degree name : Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Initials : B.Eng (Civil Engineering)


Course structure

           the structure of syllabus Consists of general education courses Specialized courses And free elective courses In accordance with the announcement of the Ministry of Education regarding the standard criteria for undergraduate courses 2015 and the Council of Engineers regulations

        The total number of credits is not less than                                              148 credits.
        A. General education courses Not less than                                               30 credits
            (1) Language and communication subjects forced                                   9 credits
            (2) Compulsory Social Sciences                                                               6 credits
            (3) Compulsory Humanities                                                                      6 credits
            (4) Compulsory Science and Mathematics                                               6 credits

       Specific requirements To choose to study in any group of subjects at least  3 credits
       B. Specialized courses Not less than                                                         112 credits
            (1) Core Courses                                                                                    55 credits
                 (1.1) Basic science and mathematics courses                                  21 credits
                 (1.2) Basic courses in civil engineering                                             34 credits
            (2) Specialized subject groups                                                               51 credits
                 (2.1) Knowledge of structural and material engineering                    32 credits
                 (2.2) Knowledge Group in Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering13 credits
                 (2.3) Knowledge engineering and surveying group                             6 credits
           (3) Special subjects, choose                                                                     6 credits
           (4) Professional Basic Courses                                                                 0 credits
      C. Free elective courses                                                                                 6 credits