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The curriculum consists of General Education, Specialized subjects and Elective Courses.

           The number of credits required for a minimum of 130 credits.

                     A. General Education Courses not less than 30 credits

                        (1) Language and Communication Courses 9 credits

                        (2) compulsory social sciences 6 credits

                        (3) compulsory humanities 6 credits

                        (4) Science and Mathematics Required Courses 6 Credits

                     *** Specification Choose 4 more subjects in 3 groups.

                     B. Specialized subjects not less than 94 credits

                        (1) core subjects 36 credits

                        (2) Specialized Courses 36 credits

                        (3) selective elective subjects not less than 6 credits

                        (4) Professional and Professional Courses 7 Credits

                     C. Elective Courses 6 credits