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         To produce graduates with English proficiency and capability to communicate in business settings

The curriculum mainly focuses on producing knowledgeable graduates with business English communication skills, moral principles, public mindedness, creative thinking, multicultural knowledge and technological skills for their future career.


To produce graduates

  • who are knowledgeable and able to communicate in business English context efficiently.
  • with critical and creative thinking as well as technological effectively.
  •  with leadership, social, multicultural and collaborative skills.
  • with good attitude towards profession, ethics, moral principles, sacrifice, public mindedness, and service-mindedness.

Careers after Graduation

  • Secretary, international affairs officers
  • Receptionist and international business in private sectors
  • Receptionist and/or customer service
  • Tour guide
  • Ground staff, flight attendant
  • General service officer
  • Business owner
  • Officers
  • Mass communication work
  • Market personal