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English Program (B.A.)
The Bachelor of Arts in English focuses on producing graduates with excellent English language competency and high moral and ethical standards who can work successfully in government and private sectors - local, national and intentional - as well as in the ASEAN community. The expertise and experienced instructors -  Thai and native speakers -  are provided with modern teaching media and comfortable learning atmosphere. Additionally, the graduates are equipped with information research and retrieval skills, integration of knowledge and local wisdom for the development of themselves and community, including continuing education requirements. 
Name of Curriculum

Bachelor of Arts Program in English

Degree Full Title:   Bachelor of Arts (English)

Abbreviated Title:  B.A. (English)

Curriculum Structure  

Total number of credits, not less than

136   Credits

1. General Education Courses, not less than

30  Credits
  (1) Language and Communication Courses (required) 9  Credits
  (2) Social Science Courses (required) 3  Credits
  (3) Humanity Courses (required) 6  Credits
  (4) Science and Mathematics Courses (required) 6  Credits
  Requirement: Students have to any elective General Education courses with a minimum of  6 credits

2. Specialized Courses, not less than                

100   credits
  (1) Major required courses  51  Credits
  (2) Major elective courses, not less than 42  Credits
  (3) Professional Foundation and Professional Education Courses 7  Credits

3. Free Elective Courses, not less than

6  Credits