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Food Management Department


Bachelor of Arts (Food Management)



          To produce graduates who have knowledge and ability of food management based on good management, be ready to develop themselves to self-employment or higher management, and have morality and ethics to pursue the qualified manpower and society development strategic.


Curriculum Objectives;

  1. To produce graduates who have knowledge and ability of food management and be able to develop themselves to good management system.
  2. To produce graduates who have skills in food management and be able to efficiently apply knowledge and skills to efficiency self-employment.
  3. To produce graduates who have positive attitudes in food management with morality and ethics, and social responsibility.
  4. To produce graduates responding to labor market and consistent to the national development strategic.


Jobs for Graduates

  1. Managers in food and beverage and banquet in hotels/restaurants
  2. Producers or controllers of food quality
  3. Instructors/food presenters/guest speakers
  4. Food businessmen
  5. Others related professions i.e. chefs, food seminar organizers, columnists/writers in food business, food designers, food decorators, exhibition and seminar organizers


In 1936, “The Nakhon Pathom Teacher Training School for girls” was established and designated to run courses for home economics, family relation. Later it changed to run courses in basic nutrition, child and family development as a general education subject, compulsory to all students.

In 1968, the school was renamed to “the Nakhon Pathom Teacher Training School”, and ran the home economics as a minor subject in Certificate of Higher Education.

In 1970, the school was promoted to Nakhon Pathom Teachers’ College, and the home economics was a major subject in Certificate of Higher Education.

          In 1980, the college began the four-year Bachelor of Education (General home economics) program, and the two-year Bachelor of Education for in-service teacher training programs ware also offered.

          In 1986, Bachelor of Sciences in General Home Economics was commenced till 2015.

          In 2006, Bachelor of Sciences in Home Economics, Food and Nutrition field was opened.

          In 2008, Bachelor of Arts in Food Management was opened.

          In 2012, Bachelor of Arts in Food Management was started (revised curriculum in 2011).

          In 2017, Bachelor of Arts in Food Management was commenced (revised curriculum in 2016).