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History of Food Science and Technology Division

          In 1997, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University has opened the first batch of Diploma of Science in Food Technology under the management of Home Economics Department.

          In November, 1999 the administration in program level was enforced. The department name was changed to “Food Technology Program”.

          In 2002, the first batch of Bachelor of Science was recruited. The program was renamed “Food Science and Technology”.

          In 2003, the last batch of Diploma of Science in Food Technology Program of Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University graduated in 2003 was admitted to study in Bachelor Degree (four-year continuing program). They were the first bachelor graduates of Food Science and Technology Program in 2004.

          In 2006, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology (revised curriculum in 2006) opened for the high school graduates.

          In 2011, Food Science and Technology Program revised curriculum in accordance with Thailand Qualifications Framework in Food Science and Technology, and started implementing the curriculum in the same year.

          In 2013, the administration was change from “program” to “department” of Food Science and Technology.