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1. Educational Management System

          1.1 System

              The educational management system is a semester system consisting of 2 semsters: First semester and second semester. There are fifteen weeks each semester, according to Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University Regulations.

          1.2 Summer Session

              The educational management system in summer session is same as semester system including duration time of the study and credits.

2. Curriculum Implementation

          2.1 Teaching Days-Times

              First Semester August-November

              Second Semester January-April

              Summer Session May-July

          2.2 Student Qualifications

              2.2.1  A high school certificate.

              2.2.2  Other qualifications according to Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University Regulations.

          2.3 Problems Encountered by New Students

              New Students have different qualifications so they affect to study plan. In addition, students may have problems including, adjusting from high school to undergraduate, lack of English skill, time allocation.

          2.4 Strategies to Solve the Problems / Limitations in No.2.3

               2.4.1  Advisors and new students jointly organize study plans and arrange the whole course.

              2.4.2  Advisors are delegated to advise new students. In addition, Advisors organize activities to build relationships between teachers and students.

               2.4.3  New students are supported to training English

          2.5 Educational System

               Educational system are four years according to Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University Regulations.

          2.6 Transfer of Credits, Course and Cross-University Registration

               According to Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University Regulations.

3. Curriculum

          Bachelor’s degree takes four years. Total number of credits is a minimum of 121 credits. Duration time of the study is not more than eight years.