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Industrial Computer Technology Caused by the integration of professors on the computer And electronic, total of 7 people led by Ajarn Kaiyasit Apirating, the first branch president Took the central course of the Rajabhat Institute at that time Is a continuous undergraduate degree program in Bachelor of Science Department of Industrial Technology (Industrial Computer Technology Branch) was opened for the first time in the academic year 2004, until it was ready for personnel, premises, teaching materials, teaching and learning. And in the study in 2009, new courses were developed and opened for students in the same year as a 4-year Bachelor of Science program Industrial Computer Technology Up until now There is Professor Bophit Chai Nok, the president of the Department of Education, and has 6 full-time lecturers in the field of teaching and learning at the new Science and Technology Laboratory building, 5th floor. KUKA etc.