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อาจารย์ณัฐวรรณ  สมรรคจันทร์

  • Supreechaya Bunmak, Nathawan Samakachan, Arisara Thaneerananon. (2017). Comparing Performance of Centralized and Non-Centralized Safety Stock Case Study: Retail Clothing Business. In The 2nd International Conference of Multidisciplinary Approaches on UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). December 28th -29th, 2017 at the Hotel Windsor Suites & Convention, Bangkok (pp132). Nakhon Pathom: Phetkasem Printing Group Co., Ltd



อาจารย์ศานติ   ดิฐสถาพรเจริญ

  • Minmantra Hirannapat, Sompon Sukcharoenpong, Santi Ditsathaporchroen. (2017). The Comparative Study of Logistics Cost Structure for Farmers Fighting Fish. In The 2nd International Conference of Multidisciplinary Approaches on UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). December 28th -29th, 2017 at the Hotel Windsor Suites & Convention, Bangkok, Thailand (pp.96). Nakhon Pathom: Phetkasem Printing Group Co., Ltd


อาจารย์พงศ์ชยนต์ ศรีสุวรรณ

  • Phongchayont Srisuwan. (2017). Implementation Guidelines for Electronic Waste Disposal Management in Thailand to be Sustainable Developing Country in ASEAN. In The 2nd International Conference of Multidisciplinary Approaches on UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). December 28th -29th, 2017 at the Hotel Windsor Suites & Convention, Bangkok (pp119). Nakhon Pathom: Phetkasem Printing Group Co., Ltd


อาจารย์สุปรีชญา บุญมาก
Supreechaya Bunmak

  • Supreechaya Bunmak, Nathawan Samakachan, Arisara Thaneerananon. (2017). Comparing Performance of Centralized and Non-Centralized Safety Stock Case Study: Retail Clothing Business. In The 2nd International Conference of Multidisciplinary Approaches on UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). December 28th -29th, 2017 at the Hotel Windsor Suites & Convention, Bangkok (pp132). Nakhon Pathom: Phetkasem Printing Group Co., Ltd