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Music Education Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University.

Now is open in the education curriculum (Bachelor of Education (Music Education)



Music Education Department has 12 majors


1. Thai Plucked Instrument

2. Thai Bowed Instrument

3. Thai Melodic Percussion

4. Thai Blown Instrument

5. Thai Traditional Singing

6. Woodwind

7. Brass

8. String

9. Keyboard

10. Guitar

11. Electric Bass

12. Percussion

2nd Fl., Tawarawadee Srirajabhat bld.

has all 12 classrooms


Theory room 1



Theory room 2



Thai music room 1



Thai music room 2



Thai music room 3



Percussion room



Electric Bass room



Electric Guitar room



Piano room



String room



Woodwind room



Brass room