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  NPRU Historical  

          In 1936, “The Nakhon Pathom Teacher Training School for girls” was established at the registration chambers building of Monthon Nakhon Chaisri situated at 86 Tesa Road, Tambon Phrapathomchedi, Amphoe Muang, Nakhon Pathom Province, The school was designated to run courses for elementary level teacher training for girls.

        In 1960, it became a comprehensive school and boy ware accepted namely as joint-attendant students or co-students. The “Certificate of Education” and The Rural Teacher Training Project also began in the same year.

        In 1968, the school was renamed “The Nakhon Pathom Teacher Training School”.

        In 1969, the school moved (from the above address) to 85 Malaiman Road (opposite Wat Mai Pinkliaw) and the course upgraded to be based on the elementary level teacher training project. 

        In 1970, the school was promoted to Nakhon Pathom Teacher’ College, promulgated on 16 January 1970. The Higher Certificate of Education commenced.   more...


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