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Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University(NPRU) 

  Faculty of Science and Technology    Thinking and Decision Making Group

Course Code: 4000116
Course Title:Thinking and Decision Making
Course Credit : 3 Course Duration : 15 Weeks
Course Instructors:Mr.Bunchana Varachanon,Mr.Aganit Sriputorn,                     Ms.Phaksuporn Kanchanakul,Ms.Kanitta Charoenpanit
Course Description: Principles and human thinking processes and how best to develop these skills and processes; creative and systematic thinking and the pursuit of knowledge by scientific methodology, logical reasoning, data analyzation, the decision making process and its application for problem solving in daily life
Consultation Hours: 7.30am to 8.30am everyday
Office:Science center Bldg.2nd Floor,Room No.215
Course Objectives: At the end of this course you will be able to developed thinking skills and thinking processes,realize to value of thinking and able to apply these skills for problem solving in daily life.
Course Topic : During Week1-2 you will study about the following topics human thinking processes,brain structure and ways to develop your brain. During Week3-10 you will study about the following topics thinking skills and thinking processes;analytical thinking,synthesis thinking,creative thinking,logical thinking, systematic thinking,futuristic thinking,positive thinking, scientific method thinking ,critical thinking and noble truth thinking.During Week11-15 you will study about the following topics theory of decision making using logical reasoning,data analyzation and the decision making process.
Evaluation: you will be graded according to the following criteria midterm exam 15%
test 15%
individual report 10%
group report 10%
share and discuss 20%
attendance 10%
final exam 20%
Grand Total: 100%
If you want to get an "A" grade in this course, you need to have an overall score from 80 to 100 points "B+" grade score from 75 to 79 points "B" grade score from 70 to 74 points"C+" grade score from 65 to 69 points "C" grade score from 60 to 64 points"D+" grade score from 55 to 59 points "D" grade score from 50 to 54 points. But if you overall score is below 50 points,you will get an "E" or "failed" 
Class agreements: you must always wear the polite uniform, attendance will be checked before the lecture begins and if you late 2 times is equal to 1 absence.Lastly,you must think yourself Don't copy homework.