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Being knowledgeable, moral and implement graduate

Developing the ability of occupational health and safety, safety promotion of worker.


Vision and Mission

Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University has a mission that focuses on teaching and academic services. To respond to the health and safety problems of people who work in both industrial factories Establishment and other professions With teaching and learning in every course Occupational Health and Safety and encourage learners to do activities and academic services for the community With regard to the situation of health problems Occupational Health and Safety Both at the establishment level and at the national level Therefore, the preparation of new courses should focus on students who have skills, knowledge and ability to perform tasks. Able to work anywhere including a good attitude and have morals and ethics in professional practice



After graduation can perform various occupations as follows

1. Safety officers working in professional level in various enterprises, both government and company sectors

2. Public health academics, Safety Officer, Environmental officer and Labor Specialist

3. Security inspectors according to the Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment Act 2011

4. Other related professions