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Equipment and Instrument


Industrial Hygiene Measurement Equipment

To produce graduates with knowledge, competencies and desirable characteristics Geared towards becoming an educational institution that is a learning organization. Produce potential graduates responding to the needs of the labor market at the national level and the ASEAN community. Occupational Health and Safety is considered a course that emphasizes graduates who are knowledgeable and moral lead to practice, able to develop occupational health and safety capabilities. As well as promoting the safety of professionals the university approved the purchase in the annual budget for the Occupational Health and Safety Laboratory to cover teaching at the operational level, consisting of the following main measurement devices.


1. Digital light meter


2. Sound level meter


3. Area heat stress monitor


4. Audio meter










5. Sound Proof Room


6. Personal pump low flow


7. Gas Detector

8. Whole-body vibration meter


9. Manometer and relative humidity


10. Spirometer



11. Vision screeners


12. Bicycle for measuring heart function