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 Download MCO3 for Semester 1/2018
How to search :   Use the short key [Ctrl+F] ,then search subject ID, Subject name or Section.
        [Last Updated: 10th December 2561]

Subject ID Subject Name Section(s) Download MCO3
1102303 Pre–practicum in Teaching Profession 58/15 Download
4021101 Chemistry 1 (Sec.61/11) 61/11 Download
4021101 Chemistry 1 (Sec.61/15) 61/15 Download
4021101 Chemistry 1 (Sec.61/17) (Sec.61/18) 61/17 and 61/18 Download
4021102 Chemistry Laboratory 1 (Sec.61/11) 61/11 Download
4021102 Chemistry Laboratory(Sec.61/15) 61/15 Download
4021102 Chemistry Laboratory(Sec.61/18) 61/18 Download
4021111 Chemistry 1 (Sec.61/17) 61/17 Download
4021111 Chemistry 1 (Sec.61/38) 61/38 Download
4021112 Chemistry Laboratory(Sec.61/38) 61/38 Download
4021115 General Chemistry (Sec.60/92) 60/92 Download
4021115 General Chemistry (Sec.61/32) 61/32 Download
4021115 General Chemistry (Sec.61/34) 61/34 Download
4021115 General Chemistry (Sec.61/35) 61/35 Download
4021115 General Chemistry (Sec.61/36) 61/36 Download
4021115 General Chemistry (Sec.61/49) 61/49 Download
4021116 Fundamental Chemistry (Sec.61/33) 61/33 Download
4021116 Fundamental Chemistry (Sec.61/48) 61/48 Download
4021117 Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory (Sec.61/33) 61/33 Download
4022211 Fundamental​ Chemistry Laboratory (Sec.61/48) 61/48 Download
4022211 Inorganic Chemistry 1 (Sec.60/15) 60/15 Download
4022211 Inorganic Chemistry(Sec.60/36) 60/36 Download
4022212 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory(Sec.60/15) 60/15 Download
4022212 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory(Sec.60/36) 60/36 Download
4022311 Organic Chemistry 1 (Sec.60/36) (Sec.61/18) 60/36 and 61/18 Download
4022313 Organic Chemistry 2 59/11 Download
4022417 Physical Chemistry for Teacher 58/15 Download
4022501 Biochemistry (Sec.60/32) 60/32 Download
4022612 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 1 (Sec.59/11) 59/11 Download
4022612 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 1 (Sec.59/26) 59/26 Download
4023315 Spectroscopy of Organic Chemistry 58/29 Download
4023411 Physical Chemistry 1 59/26 Download
4023412 Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1 59/26 Download
4023511 Biochemistry (Sec.59/11) 59/11 Download
4023512 Biochemistry Laboratory (Sec.59/11) 59/11 Download
Instrumental Analysis in Chemistry 1  (Sec.58/15)
Analytical Chemistry through Instrumentation(Sec.59/26)
Instrumental Analysis in Chemistry Laboratory(Sec.58/15)
Analytical Chemistry through Instrumentation Laboratory 1 (Sec.59/26)
4023703 Industrial Chemistry 59/26 Download
4023804 English for Science 2 59/26 Download
4024801 Chemistry Teaching Methodology 1 58/15 Download
4024802 Field Experience 58/29 Download
4024902 Research Project in Chemistry 58/29 Download
4024903 Seminar for Chemistry Teacher 58/15 Download
4171101 Biochemistry (Sec.61/99) 61/99 Download
6001202 Chemistry for Engineers (Sec.61/52) (Sec.61/53) 61/52 and 61/53 Download
6001202 Chemistry for Engineers (Sec.61/54) 61/54 Download
Chemistry Laboratory for Engineers (Sec.61/52) (Sec.61/53)
61/52 and 61/53
6001203 Chemistry Laboratory for Engineers (Sec.61/54) 61/54 Download

How to search :   Use the short key [Ctrl+F] ,then search subject ID, Subject name or Section.
        [Last Updated: 10th December 2561]

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